Is Gerry McCann a member of the Scottish Knights Templar?

I have been searching for a McCann case and Freemason’s link for a couple of days now. Then just a few minutes ago I came across this.  Scroll down a bit and you find this:

“This is a fraternal Order but is not Masonic“.

Scroll down a bit further and you find this:

“Missing for one year now: Madeleine McCann, 4 years old,
abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on 3rd May 2007
Our thoughts and prayers remain with the wee girl and her family

Scottish Knights Templar

UPDATE: This story is number 1 on Google. CNN where are you?

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11 Responses to “Is Gerry McCann a member of the Scottish Knights Templar?”

  1. earthspirit Says:

    the thing is you have christian groups and lots of other religious groups with signs up about madeleine

    i know people who are masons who rarely if ever go to meetings but they go the masonic clubs for a booze up and a game of bingo! lol

    most of the people in those groups do a lot of good work for charity etc and i am sure that they would in fact want to help find madeleine if they knew gerry or if he was a member. i do not think that they would cover for him because he isnt anybody is he and he is not even some whizz kid doctor. i think that masons would out him rather than the other way around – but then again them saying nothing is supporting him if they have doubts – its all about the emperors new clothes again – who is going to speak out?

    (except us! lol)

  2. Concerned Citizen Says: was registered by STEVO just like his backup at

    You are being lied to folks, AGAIN.

  3. John Hirst Says:

    “Concerned citizen”: I have received your comment, however, I don’t feel I should allow it through my comment moderation policy. If you have an issue with the 3As and Stevo, might I suggest that you contact them direct and do not use this blog as a weapon to get at them?

  4. Concerned Citizen Says:

    Sure John, censor away.

  5. Concerned Citizen Says:

    It’s only the McCann’s that lie after all.

  6. Rab Says:

    Total bollox, the knights are a Catholic organisation, if you can’t piss straight piss downwind.

  7. John Hirst Says:

    Concerned Citizen: “Sure John, censor away”. As you can see from Rab’s comment I don’t censor. I am concerned as a citizen of the blogosphere that your comment I have withheld will be looked at by the 3As admins and if they are happy about your attack upon them and the site then I will belatedly publish it. As I understand it, this is the subject matter of a police investigation. I would urge caution. Prison is not a nice place at all.

  8. John Hirst Says:

    Concerned citizen: As you can see I have now decided to let your comment through. Given that Stevo has abused his position at the 3As forum by attacking me, I no longer feel any obligation to defending him.

  9. Freemasons support the McCanns « Justice For Madeleine Says:

    […] Is Gerry McCann a member of the Scottish Knights Templar? […]

  10. leo burns Says:

    Gerry & kate should go on jeremy kyle & have a lie detecter test if they got nothing 2 hide ! But they have !

  11. Ceri Poole Says:

    Hello is there a link i can post to facebook ?

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